How Long Does an Oil Change Take? All Explained

How Long Does an Oil Change Take? All Explained

Preventive maintenance, which includes regular oil changes, is one of the most crucial things you can do to keep it running smoothly. Looking at your jam-packed calendar, you naturally want to know: “How long does an oil change take?”

Expect an oil change to take 15-45 minutes. On the basis of a few assumptions, that is a general estimate. Keep reading.

How Long Does An Oil Change Take?

A number of variables affect how long an oil change takes. Are you performing a DIY oil change or taking it to a shop? Oil change professionals, especially those at “quick lube” shops, change oil every day and are generally good at changing oil quickly; but you might take a little bit longer if you’re changing oil yourself, especially if you only do this as often as is needed by your vehicle.

You should plan on waiting between 15 and 45 minutes for an oil change if you bring your car in. The process can be completed in as little as 15 minutes if you bring your car to a quick lube shop and can be seen right away. Longer estimates typically account for wait time due to customer backlog: the other customers who scheduled their service or got there before you did.

Expect to wait between 30 and 45 minutes at these locations because a repair shop might take a little longer. Finally, depending on your tools, experience, and garage setup, DIY oil changes typically take between 30 minutes and an hour.

What kind of car you drive is a further consideration. Not all cars have easily accessible oil drain plugs and filters on the bottom of the vehicle, though many do. If your car’s plug is less accessible, it might be a bit more difficult and time-consuming.

How Long Does an Oil Change Take? All Explained
How Long Does an Oil Change Take? All Explained

What Affects the Duration of An Oil Change?

A number of variables can affect how long it takes to change the oil.

Here are some of them:

Who’s Changing the Engine Oil?

If you’re taking the DIY oil change approach to feeding your vehicle with fresh oil, it’ll take you about 30 minutes to an hour or more. The DIY oil change duration depends on your experience, equipment, and garage setup.

Are you bringing your car to a service shop for a fresh oil change?

A professional mechanic or technician at a dealership or repair shop will take 30 to 45 minutes for an oil change service. This is so that, depending on the time of your service appointment and how busy the dealership is, there might be a waiting period.

However, if you take your car to a quick lube shop, the mechanic can change your old oil with new, clean oil in about 20 minutes. However, there are some concerns with this approach.

How Accessible is the Engine Oil Drain Plug and Oil Filter?

The kind of car or vehicle you own has an impact on how long it takes to change the oil. This is due to the fact that the oil drain plug and oil filter are typically located at the bottom of many car models, making them simple to access.

It could take longer for your mechanic to change the oil and install a new oil filter, though, if your car’s oil drain plug and oil filter are harder to get to.

Now that you know that an oil change service isn’t the most time-consuming task, let’s answer some questions that you may have about oil changes.

How Long Does an Oil Change Take? All Explained
How Long Does an Oil Change Take? All Explained

When to Change Your Oil?

The recommended timing for an oil change varies depending on the manufacturer. It’s important to keep an eye on the odometer or the oil monitoring technology that many vehicles offer. To determine when your car might need an oil change, you can also consult your owner’s manual.

Following are some things to look for when driving if you’re not sure of the last time an oil change was performed:

  • Loud clanging sound in the engine.
  • Oil smell inside the car.
  • more frequent visits to the gas station to fill up.

The most common symptom is an ongoing, loud engine noise. Engine performance is maintained by using clean oil. The engine will squeal if the oil isn’t changed because it isn’t being properly lubricated by fresh oil. To get your car running smoothly once more, we’ll be happy to provide an oil change.

How Often Should I Change My Oil?

The conventional wisdom has long been that oil changes should be spaced out by three months or 3,000 miles, but this is a general and out-of-date notion. While it’s essential to have oil changes that keep your vehicle running efficiently and keep your warranties valid, many vehicles perform well after 3,000 miles.

Some cars require even more frequent oil changes. You might require an oil change every 1,000 miles if you only drive your cars at low speeds and frequently restart the engine. Vehicles that regularly travel only 10 miles or less can build up condensation in the system, which hastens the oil’s deterioration.

On the other extreme, many vehicles can safely drive for up to 10,000 miles. When you run synthetic oil and drive longer distances on a newer vehicle, you may be able to drive up to 10,000 miles before changing your oil. Before traveling this distance without an oil change, it’s best to get advice from a mechanic at your neighborhood AutoZone or repair shop. No matter the road conditions, it’s also crucial to strictly follow the drain interval specifications listed in your owner’s manual.

Why Do Repair Shops Take Longer Than Quick Lube Shops?

A quick lube shop can perform repairs more quickly than a repair shop due to two main factors. First, since oil changes are a quick lube shop’s specialty, the setup might be optimized for speedy oil changes. Second, it may take longer as the repair shop checks your tire pressure, coolant level, and other maintenance areas because they typically perform other standard inspections and tune-ups.

Determine whether you need additional maintenance inspections or not before choosing the best professional to service your vehicle. While a repair shop might identify additional problems that require immediate attention, a quick lube shop typically performs an oil change much more quickly and affordably. If you frequently change your oil at a quick lube, you might want to schedule regular inspections at your neighborhood auto repair shop for preventive maintenance and fluid top-off.

How Long Does an Oil Change Take? All Explained
How Long Does an Oil Change Take? All Explained

Is It Faster to Change My Own Oil?

If you’re looking for a way to save money and take charge of caring for your automobile, you may be asking, “Am I able to change my own oil?” Although changing your own oil is feasible, a professional job usually takes less time. You might be able to change your oil in as little as 30 minutes if you have the right tools and enough experience. Nevertheless, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to change your oil more quickly than a professional, if only because the professional probably changes oil every day. But it might also allow you to save money and have fun!

What Type of Oil Does My Vehicle Need?

Depending on if you own an old or newer vehicle is, you either use:

  • Conventional oil
  • Synthetic oil
  • Or synthetic blend oil

Conventional oil is typically used in older vehicles, but synthetic oil is better for your engine and helps keep your car from breaking down, especially when it’s very cold outside.

Therefore, when it’s time for an oil change, you might want to consider using synthetic oil instead of conventional oil. However, do remember synthetic oil is more expensive. When that happens, you should choose a synthetic blend because it is both more cost-effective and more effective than synthetic oil.

Reminder: If your owner’s manual recommends a particular oil, use that one. Ask a service advisor for assistance if it doesn’t, or your mechanic. They will assist you in choosing any oil that is reasonably priced and produces excellent results.

How Long Does an Oil Change Take? All Explained
How Long Does an Oil Change Take? All Explained


What Happens If I Don’t Change My Oil?

Your car’s symptoms will get worse over time, and it may even sustain damage.

Your engine develops sludge from old oil, which turns dark black. This can easily clog your oil filter, create friction points, and in the worst case, cause engine seizure.

Keep your oil clean to ensure that engine parts are properly lubricated to prevent such occurrences.

Can I Drive My Car Right After An Oil Change?

Yes.After or before getting an oil change, you can drive it hard.Up to you. Driving hard adds more wear to your car but if it’s worth it to you, it’s your decision.

What Happens If You Wait Too Long to Get a Oil Change?

In fact, if you wait too long for an oil change, your smooth and clean oil will turn into dirty sludge. When this occurs, your engine has to work harder to push through the muck accumulation. It becomes less lubricated and is less effective at absorbing heat. This implies that your car will be vulnerable to significant problems.

Can I Add Oil to My Car until I Get An Oil Change?

Topping up your oil is typically not recommended unless the level is below the minimum mark. However, topping off your oil could make it easier for you to make it to the closest Firestone Complete Auto Care for an oil change if you’re running low on it.

Summary: How Long Does an Oil Change Take?

When compared to other car services you require over the course of your vehicle’s lifetime, an oil change is a reasonably priced and quick service.

Furthermore, regular oil changes protect both the environment and your engine by using clean oil.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment. KV Auto tries to give you the best car industry information. Thank you for reading.

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