How to Clean Cloth Car Seats? Follow the Ultimate Guide

How to Clean Cloth Car Seats? Follow the Ultimate Guide

To get clean cloth seats, you don’t need to take your car to be detailed. Self-cleaning cloth seats are simple. So, how to clean cloth car seats?

You need to make a preparation. Then, vacuum the seats, pre-treat stains, apply the upholstery cleaner solution, scrub away the dirt, wipe away excess moisture, repeat all steps if needed, allow the seats to dry, and add a protective coating.

Read on to find more details.

What You’ll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Vacuum with a hose, crevice tool, upholstery brush
  • Spray bottle
  • Stiff-bristled scrub brush
  • Microfiber cloths
  • Sponge
  • Bucket


  • Commercial carpet and upholstery cleaner
  • Oxygen-based bleach
  • Water
  • Fabric protector (optional)

How to Clean Cloth Car Seats?

Here are the details:

Vacuum Your Seats

When it’s time to clean your cloth car seats, begin by vacuuming the fabric. This will get rid of the dirt, junk, and pet hair instead of just pushing it deeper into the seat padding. Reach between the back and the seat with the crevice tool. After that, use the upholstery brush to aid in lifting the fabric’s fibers.

How to Clean Cloth Car Seats? Follow the Ultimate Guide
How to Clean Cloth Car Seats? Follow the Ultimate Guide

Pre-Treat Stains

Pre-treating any stains you notice before performing a thorough cleaning will yield better results. For most food and drink, grease, and mud stains, simply use a bit of the upholstery cleaner on the stains and work it into the fabric with a scrub brush. Before performing an extensive cleaning, give it at least 15 minutes to work.

If there are dye-based stains on your seat that have bled or transferred color, lightly dampen the affected area. Mix a paste of dry oxygen-based bleach and a few drops of water. It should work for at least an hour after being applied to the stained area. Throw the powder in the vacuum. Repeat as needed.

Apply the Upholstery Cleaner Solution

Depending on the cleaner you chose, you might have to combine the cleaning agent with warm water. The amount to use per gallon of water is specified on the product label. The cleaner should be applied using a spray bottle because you can control how much gets on the fabric.

Spray a fine mist across the entire seat, starting at the top. You do not need to super-saturate the fabric.

How to Clean Cloth Car Seats? Follow the Ultimate Guide
How to Clean Cloth Car Seats? Follow the Ultimate Guide

Scrub Away the Dirt

Spray the cleaning solution on the seat, then rub it in with a scrub brush. Starting at the top, go over every square inch of the seat to ensure that any soiled solution drips down. Your scrub brush should be rinsed in a bucket of clear water as it becomes dirty and shaken to get rid of any extra moisture.

Wipe Away Excess Moisture

Use an absorbent microfiber cloth to wipe away any excess moisture. Any matted fibers will also be lifted by doing this.

How to Clean Cloth Car Seats? Follow the Ultimate Guide
How to Clean Cloth Car Seats? Follow the Ultimate Guide

Repeat All Steps If Needed

Repetition is advised if the upholstery still appears dirty. You’ll get better results by making several passes to remove the dirt if the upholstery is really dirty (or if it has already been cleaned).

Allow the Seats to Dry

Before using the car again, if at all possible, let the seats completely dry. Two to three hours is the usual duration. A large fan in the car can be directed toward the seats to hasten the process if necessary. Alternately, you can park the car in a sunny spot to hasten the drying process. If the seats are still damp, a small container of moisture-absorbing crystals (a drying agent) should be placed inside the vehicle to collect the moisture.

Add a Protective Coating

Utilize a spray-on fabric protector after you’ve completed the cleaning and the seats look clean and new to help stop dirt and stains from becoming embedded in the fabric. Cleaning will be much simpler going forward as a result.

How to Clean Cloth Car Seats? Follow the Ultimate Guide
How to Clean Cloth Car Seats? Follow the Ultimate Guide

Maintain Cloth Car Seats

Your car needs frequent vacuuming. Your car seats can be kept clean by vacuuming them. Cleaning up dirt and debris with a vacuum can help keep objects from becoming stuck in the upholstery. Depending on how much dirt is inside, you might want to consider having your car vacuumed every one to two weeks.

Spills and stains should be cleaned up right away. Cleaning up spills as soon as they occur is another way to help prevent stains on your cloth car seats. Debris that leaves stains, such as grease, blood, or mud, should also be removed right away.

  • Use a towel or cloth to mop up the mess as soon as a spill occurs.
  • When you get home, use a fabric cleaner to remove any stains, including mud, food, and makeup, from your seats.

Create guidelines for your vehicle. Setting car rules regarding what is permitted in your car may be a good idea if you are worried about stains on your cloth seats. For example, you may not allow people to eat in your car, and only drink beverages that have a lid.

  • If someone’s shoes are covered in mud or dirt, you can ask them to take them off and put them in the trunk or a plastic bag.
How to Clean Cloth Car Seats? Follow the Ultimate Guide
How to Clean Cloth Car Seats? Follow the Ultimate Guide

How Often to Clean Cloth Car Seats?

We also recommend a general cleaning of your cloth car seats at least once a month and a deep cleaning twice a year. A great way to keep your car in the best condition possible is to keep the seats in your car clean. Additionally, nobody enjoys driving in a dirty car.

Can You Wash Car Seat Fabric?

Even if you’re not regularly taking long trips in the car, it’s easy to accumulate dirt, sweat and grease from your regular journeys. A buildup of stains and spills makes for a pretty unpleasant interior and can produce unpleasant odors, whether the stain is from yoghurt, juice, or your takeout coffee.

Fortunately, figuring out how to clean the interior of your car doesn’t really require the help of a professional. The majority of cloth car seat fabrics can be washed with relative ease, and even the most difficult stains are treatable using a variety of techniques.

This guide will go over how to wash a car at home and some frequently asked questions about best practices for washing cars in order to assist you in keeping your car clean. 

How to Clean Cloth Car Seats? Follow the Ultimate Guide
How to Clean Cloth Car Seats? Follow the Ultimate Guide


What Household Items Can You Use to Clean Cloth Car Seats?

In a spray bottle, combine two cups of water, one cup of vinegar, and roughly one tablespoon of dish soap. Any stains or particularly grimy areas should only receive a light spray, a gentle scrub, and a quick rinse with clean water. In order to remove extra moisture, finish by dabbing the area with a microfiber cloth.

What is the Best Way to Clean Cloth Car Seats?

Use a vinegar mixture. A gallon of hot water, a cup of vinegar, and a few drops of dish soap should be combined in a bucket. Then apply the mixture to the stain and scrub it with a brush before rinsing the seat with clean water. Use detergent for laundry.

How Do You Clean Cloth Car Seats Without Leaving Water Stains?

Take equal amounts of white vinegar and distilled water and apply it to the entire seat. Brush: Work the cleaner into the seat material using a soft-bristled brush to ensure that all dirt and mineral deposits are completely removed.

Can I Use Dish Soap on Cloth Car Seats?

Dish soap is so gentle, lifting grease stains while refreshing the fabric, and washing soda is also a cleaning booster that leaves your seats happy. And both are safe to use on fabrics.

Summary: How to Clean Cloth Car Seats?

Maintaining regular cleanings and avoiding significant wear in the first place are the best ways to restore your car seats to their original, pristine condition. Having wipes handy can help stop stains in their tracks, and quickly blot up any liquid spills. You can lessen the overall effort required by including cleaning in your regular car maintenance checklist.

You need to make a preparation. Then, vacuum the seats, pre-treat stains, apply the upholstery cleaner solution, scrub away the dirt, wipe away excess moisture, repeat all steps if needed, allow the seats to dry, and add a protective coating.

You can spend money on car seat protectors if you anticipate having trouble maintaining the cleanliness of your interior. They might not match the aesthetic you were going for, but they can stop muddy dogs and kids from wearing them out over time.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment. KV Auto tries to give you the best car industry information. Thank you for reading.

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